Patch jeans

Patch jeans

Are your favourite jeans torn at the crotch? There's no need to throw them away. Seams are easily mended, and some holes are suitable for patching, without being obvious. Holes on the legs or knees, on the other hand, do not need invisible patching at all. Use exciting labels or patches or embroider little motifs over the hole. You can also turn the hole in your jeans into an eye-catching design feature with beautiful lace. Give your trousers a second chance and be inspired by our ideas!

Invisible mending

Invisible mending

Use a piece of denim or a patch and thread that match the colour of the trousers being mended as closely as possible. The patch is placed behind the hole and sewn in position from the back using a straight stitch. Then close the tear using a zig-zag stitch in multiple directions.

Highlight holes

Highlight holes

Holes in your jeans can be transformed into a really eye-catching feature by adding a backing made of cotton, denim or lace. You can also design creative motifs based on the shape of the hole!

Conceal holes

Conceal holes

Place labels or patches over the hole in your jeans and sew into position. Or what about concealing the hole with some sweet embroidery using embroidery thread?